Sheboygan County Quilters Guild Annual Show

“40 and Fabulous”

September 14, 2024    9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Sheboygan Christian School Campus
929 Greenfield Avenue
Sheboygan, WI 53081

We’d love to have you join us!  

If you are interested in attending a meeting, becoming a member, or would just like to know more about our guild, please get in touch online, by email or mail or facebook.


Website: sheboyganquiltersguild.org

Email: sheboygancountyquiltersguild@gmail.com

Visit Facebook: sheboygancountyquiltersguild

Visit Instagram: sheboygancountyquiltersguild


Mailing Address:

Sheboygan County Quilters Guild
P.O. Box 783
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0783

2025 Membership Form:  FORM

Executive Officers

President: Ellen Leonhard

Vice-President: Jackie Williams

Secretary: Shannon Muench

Treasurer: Rhonda Adler

Committee Chairpersons

Membership: Jean Beinemann & Shannon Melius

Communications: Penny Ten Pas

Programs: Betty Price & Kathy Wiesman

Quilt Show: Ruth Madden & Kathy Wiesman

At Risk Baby Quilts: Anna Walvoord

Historian: Ruth Gerstner

Library: Irene Taylor & Sharon Batterman

Placemat Challenge: Lori Epping & Janet Wesener

Retreat: Diane Liebenthal

UFO: Carol Carriveau

ZOOM: Betty Price

Club Representatives

Fabric Fanatics: Carol Arpke

Kiel Riverside: Janet Wesener

Loose Threads: Jean Beinemann

Members at Large: Lori Epping

Mod Squad: Terri Koch

Needlesmiths: Betty Price

Nimble Thimbles: Terri Koch

Stash Busters: Carol Zadalis


SCQG Bylaws

You may find quilt guild members at these local establishments: